Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Playing with my dog.
The thing that I like to do a lot is playing with my dog Sasha because she has a crazy half hour when she jumps up in the air and runs around in circles for about three minutes. Then she runs really fast after me and Braxton but at the end of the deck me and Braxton stop and Sasha jumps right off, then her crazy haft hour ends and she goes back to being the same dog. But she is still a lot of fun and she loves tummy rubs but what she love's more is being with me, also she is a bull dog.
Thursday, November 12, 2015
Calendar Art
WALT present a piece of artwork for our parents to buy.
Success Criteria
- Take our time, show patience (GRIT)
- Plan our piece of artwork
- Take care with the painting and dyeing
- Research for our inspiration
- Explain the steps you took to make your artwork on your blog
- How do you feel about your artwork?
- What was a challenge?
Calendar Art
For my Calendar art, I did Santa but not just a normal Santa it was my hand print. It took me three times to get it right. Before I could put paint on my hand, I used white crayon for my snowflakes so the black dye didn’t cover it, also I did the moon and the stars in yellow crayon and all the colors that I used on Santa were red, black, white and yellow. Also I drew the two buildings and a chimney and I cut them out after the dye had dried and it was not that hard for me.
Thursday, September 17, 2015
At the Beach
At Clifton there are a lot of seals out there and I have been able to get really close to them.
On Saturday there were three out there, two little ones that were so cute and there was one that was a medium sized seal, they were all on the broken up rubble by the boat ramp. Also one of the little seals jumped off the rubble and landed in the water but a big wave came in and hit the seal and it crashed against the rubble but it was ok and it swam out to sea. Then the other little seal jumped into the water but it didn’t have trouble getting out to sea and the medium one stayed where it was, the two little seals came back the the medium sized seal and they all jumped in at the same time. They waved at me and my nana and baby brother.
On Sunday there were two seals out at Clifton and they were big. Also my Aunty was out there and she took pictures of the seals, I was able to get right beside one of the seals and it didn’t attack me. The other one was just laying down by the water and I named the one that was laying down by the water Lazybones and I named the other one TrickSee because he did tricks.
Camden R came out with his family but they were so loud that Tricksee tried to attack them but he still didn’t attack me.
On Saturday there were three out there, two little ones that were so cute and there was one that was a medium sized seal, they were all on the broken up rubble by the boat ramp. Also one of the little seals jumped off the rubble and landed in the water but a big wave came in and hit the seal and it crashed against the rubble but it was ok and it swam out to sea. Then the other little seal jumped into the water but it didn’t have trouble getting out to sea and the medium one stayed where it was, the two little seals came back the the medium sized seal and they all jumped in at the same time. They waved at me and my nana and baby brother.
On Sunday there were two seals out at Clifton and they were big. Also my Aunty was out there and she took pictures of the seals, I was able to get right beside one of the seals and it didn’t attack me. The other one was just laying down by the water and I named the one that was laying down by the water Lazybones and I named the other one TrickSee because he did tricks.
Camden R came out with his family but they were so loud that Tricksee tried to attack them but he still didn’t attack me.
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Jack Marsden-Meyer Term 3 week 8
My class did drift wood art, we had to get the right kind of driftwood that you wanted for your art. It took me from the roll to morning tea. We used glue guns to stick the wood together but there was an annoying part, when I glued, there were cob webs hanging from it but I cut them. Also the word the I did was Beach because I love the beach but all of this isn't really the same as Jack Marsden-Meyer because it takes him a week and patience to do his master pieces. Also Jack Marsden-Meyer has this big space filled with drift wood and he get the right shape and right size to build the shape animals. You will get to see mine in real life at the art Exhibition. Here are some photos.
Here is one of his master pieces.

Here he is Jack marsden-Mayer

Here is mine.
Here is one of his master pieces.

Here he is Jack marsden-Mayer
Here is mine.
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Animal Band Reader's Theatre
Walt performe to an audiience
Success Criteria:
- speak clearly
- speak loudly
- speak with expression
- speak together as a group
Our lines were:
My master doesn't want me anymore because I am too old to hunt mice, I have a very sweet voice (meow - meow), can you see anything Rooster, who's in there? They will kill us! Rooster fly up here and stand on my back, Meow - meow! Meow - meow! and Meow meow again.
I was wearing a tiger hat that looked like a cat and the colors on it were black, white and orange and when it got to my groups line I ,got butterflies in my stomach. but they really helped me remember when my line was. Also my mum and little brother were there and my mum said that we were very clear and loud and she gave us a 10 - 10. She loved it, it was a very busy week for my class because we had to learn our lines and it was hard to have the right volume to be heard.
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
New baby Week 7 Term 3
Last Thursday my brothers girlfriend had a baby, she was in hospital for 5 days and the babies name is McKenzie.
When I went to see them on Sunday, McKenzie was in a pod and above her was a light. She was 8lb13oz. Now she is at home with her mum, dad and big sister Millar. So now I have 3 neices, Jakarna, Millar and McKenzie. A forth one will be arriving mid October, also another girl.

When I went to see them on Sunday, McKenzie was in a pod and above her was a light. She was 8lb13oz. Now she is at home with her mum, dad and big sister Millar. So now I have 3 neices, Jakarna, Millar and McKenzie. A forth one will be arriving mid October, also another girl.
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Persuasive Writing - Term 3 Week 5
WALT persuade other students to agree with our opinion. This the purpose for my writing.
Success Criteria:
- I plan for a writing task
- I write a variety of sentence lengths with different sentence starters
- Give reasons with detail - use specific words
- I write most topic and high frequency words correctly.
- I use capital letters, fullstops, question marks and exclamation marks correctly.
- Use persuasive language
Horses are better than Cats
I strongly believe that Horses are better than Cats.
I know with a horse you could enter it in a competition and if you could win the race and you will get a trophy or a medal and you would get all the glory.
In my opinion you can ride a horse around a field and you don't have to pick up their poo and you can make hay for them to eat and you can race your horse against another horse and you could win something, if they stink you can use a hose to wash your horse, you can wash your cat but sometimes it can be hard because some cats don't like water and you have to clean their litter box. Also, cats run away and when you can’t really catch them because they will use their claws to scratch you when you catch it. So cats are more harder to take care of than horses.
Now with a horse you can ride it to your friend's house and also you can train your horse to jump over stuff like rubbish bins, chairs and bars. Also, you can take your horse for exercise. A horse can get you away from stuff like a dog that is attacking you or if you want to get away from your little brother or sister.
Also your parents would be really proud of you when you bring a trophy or medal home.
Monday, August 10, 2015
Country Life is better than city life - Term 3 Week 4
WALT persuade other students to agree with our opinion. This the purpose for my writing
Success Criteria:
- I plan for a writing taskbx
- I write a variety of sentence lengths with different sentence starters
- Give reasons with detail - use specific words.
- I write most topic and high frequency words correctly.
- I use capital letters, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks correctly.
- Use persuasive language
Country life is better than city life.
I strongly believe that country life is better than city life.
First you can have fun and run in fields that have long grass and have fun make stuff like tree houses and boats out of tree bark, dead branches and big leaves and you can float it down the river.
Also you can grow your own crops like tomato, broccoli, carrot, potato, cauliflower, cabbage, peas and corn. In the country you can milk cows and get eggs from chickens and you can feed baby animals and pat them and play with them.
In the country there is fresh air and not very much noise and you can sleep well at night and when you wake and go outside then it is nice fresh air to enjoy and you get to camp in the fields and at night there is lots of places to hide in when you're playing spotlight.
In the country you can see the sunrise really well and in the middle of the day you can slide down a smooth hill on an old towel fast and you might land in the river, and speaking of the river at night you can fish for eels and you can make a fire and cook the eels on the fire.
So that why I believe that country life is better than city life.
Friday, July 31, 2015
Skimming reading strategy Term 3 Week 2
WALT skim unknown text so that we can QUICKLY get an understanding of it
or if I want to read for pleasure.
These are the things that I can do with Skimming.
1. Read the blurb.
2. Look for key words.
3. Skim throw the book.
4. Look at the title .
5. Look at the chapter.
WALT skim unknown text so that we can QUICKLY get an understanding of it
or if I want to read for pleasure.
These are the things that I can do with Skimming.
1. Read the blurb.
2. Look for key words.
3. Skim throw the book.
4. Look at the title .
5. Look at the chapter.
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Mount Chiming - Week 11
At dawn Max and Terenzo were going to look for Bigfoot.
“Now you to be careful climbing,”said their Mum. So they started to climb up a steep dark hill. Sadly Max slipped and he was falling but luckily he landed on a nearby ledge. He landed on it but he had broken his legs and arms, Terenzo went down the hill to their mum.
Terenzo said “Mum, Max has slipped and he started to fall and landed on a ledge and he broke his arms and legs."

“Now you to be careful climbing,”said their Mum. So they started to climb up a steep dark hill. Sadly Max slipped and he was falling but luckily he landed on a nearby ledge. He landed on it but he had broken his legs and arms, Terenzo went down the hill to their mum.
Terenzo said “Mum, Max has slipped and he started to fall and landed on a ledge and he broke his arms and legs."
“Oh,no! I will call the hospital,” said mum.
So when the hospital came Terenzo led them to Max and Terezo said, “He has broken his arms and legs."
So the medic took him away in the helicopter to the hospital. The end.So when the hospital came Terenzo led them to Max and Terezo said, “He has broken his arms and legs."

Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Matariki - Week 10
Yesterday my hub did Matariki, I did Rakau and weaving a Matariki star.
The cool thing about making stars and doing Rakau was that when you are making stars you got help when you got stuck and you got to pick your own colours.
For Rakau you could sing and play fun games and you got to make your own moves, and the thing I thought was challenging was for making stars it was hard to remember how to turn the paper the right way to make a star and for Rakau it was hard to figure out the right time to pass the stick.
When I started the stars I felt wierd that I wouldn't do it right but I did it and when I started Rakau I was feeling really worried because I thought that I couldn't do it but I could.
And when I finished I felt good that I did it.
The cool thing about making stars and doing Rakau was that when you are making stars you got help when you got stuck and you got to pick your own colours.
For Rakau you could sing and play fun games and you got to make your own moves, and the thing I thought was challenging was for making stars it was hard to remember how to turn the paper the right way to make a star and for Rakau it was hard to figure out the right time to pass the stick.
When I started the stars I felt wierd that I wouldn't do it right but I did it and when I started Rakau I was feeling really worried because I thought that I couldn't do it but I could.
And when I finished I felt good that I did it.
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Kiwi - Week 8
Kiwis are the national bird of NZ.
Kiwi predators are cats, dogs, tigers, possums, Kea and big birds.
If you want to see a kiwi, go to the aquarium or go to Mount Bruce, there you can see them.
When kiwis are born, some are moved, if they are endangered they are moved to Mount Bruce and the people there look after them until they are more smarter. The people there let them go and they stay at Mount Bruce.
Brown Kiwi.
Brown Kiwi.
White kiwi.
Monday, June 1, 2015
Area - Week 6
Area is how many square units are inside a shape.
People use Area to measure land, doors, rugs and how big a pool is.
If you don't know how to use Area you make a square or a rectangule, but I would stick with a square because it is the most easiest sharp to work with. So when you make your square you can count it or skip count, and after that you add them up using timetables...and there you go, you know how to do area.
Friday, May 22, 2015
Icebreaker - Week 5
When you eat my lolly it makes your body heat up like the sun. Whatever you stand on melts. It lasts for a week.
My lolly tastes like brownies in chocolate sauce mixed.
It looks like the sun being dipped in chocolate sauce.
My lollies name is called Ice Breaker.
It makes a boiling sound on the inside.
The Icebreaker is ($1 for 2 and for 1 you pay 90c).Thursday, May 21, 2015
The Summarising Strategy - Week 4
Keywords are used for information to make sentences.
Keywords can be used in a baking and secrets.
Keywords are in all kinds of stories.
If you write a story and you use someone else's sentences or ideas, that is called plagiarism.
Here is an example:
Bird and worm.
A worm came out of the ground and got eaten by a bird.
The green words are the keywords and the other words are to make the sentence.
Keywords are used for information to make sentences.
Keywords can be used in a baking and secrets.
Keywords are in all kinds of stories.
If you write a story and you use someone else's sentences or ideas, that is called plagiarism.
Here is an example:
Bird and worm.
A worm came out of the ground and got eaten by a bird.
The green words are the keywords and the other words are to make the sentence.
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Writing - Week 3
Along time ago, there was a Miller. He was a very boastful man and he had a daughter.
The next day the Miller was delivering flour to the castle hill and he was boasting like usual to the chamberlain. Then the king over heard it and he said to the chamberlain tomorrow you will go to the mill.
The next day the miller's daughter saw the king's men coming to the mill.
"Oh father, what did you say now?" said the daughter.
The miller forgot what he said. The chamberlain said the king wishes for your daughter to go to the castle and make gold out of straw. The miller's daughter grabbed some clothes and she went with the men to the king.
"I have heard that you can turn straw into gold" said the king. The next day the Miller was delivering flour to the castle hill and he was boasting like usual to the chamberlain. Then the king over heard it and he said to the chamberlain tomorrow you will go to the mill.
The next day the miller's daughter saw the king's men coming to the mill.
"Oh father, what did you say now?" said the daughter.
The miller forgot what he said. The chamberlain said the king wishes for your daughter to go to the castle and make gold out of straw. The miller's daughter grabbed some clothes and she went with the men to the king.
"I know that my father has been boastful and saying a bit of nonsense," said the daughter.
"I heard it with my own ears," said the chamberlain.
Then the chamberlain led the girl to a room full of straw. The girl was working
Then the chamberlain led the girl to a room full of straw. The girl was working
all night trying to turn the straw into gold but not a speck of gold showed.
Then at that very second a strange little man appeared in the castle, she didn't hear anyone come in.
Do you need any help?
No one can help me, the king wants me to turn all of this straw into gold.
Don't worry, I'll do it for you, just go to sleep and don’t worry.
A little while later the little man woke the girl up and she couldn't believe her eyes.
What will you pay me?
The only thing I have is my necklace, and in a flash he grabbed the necklace and he disappeared and she didn't even get to thank him. In the morning the king couldn't believe his eyes.
You do have a remarkable gift, so the king spent the entire day with the
Do you need any help?
No one can help me, the king wants me to turn all of this straw into gold.
Don't worry, I'll do it for you, just go to sleep and don’t worry.
A little while later the little man woke the girl up and she couldn't believe her eyes.
What will you pay me?
The only thing I have is my necklace, and in a flash he grabbed the necklace and he disappeared and she didn't even get to thank him. In the morning the king couldn't believe his eyes.
You do have a remarkable gift, so the king spent the entire day with the
girl. He thought she was very beautiful and that was not a lie.
The next night the king did another test, the chamberlain took the girl to another room filled with even more straw. A little while later the little man appeared. Should I do the same thing again, its so much fun.
Yes please.
So she went to sleep and the little man woke her up, the job is done.
What will you give me?
A golden ring
And again the little man took the ring and disappeared. The king came in.
Remarkable! So the king spent the entire day with her again. We will do a third test on her and if she suceeds I will let her go.
So the chamberlain led her to the biggest room of all. It was filled top to bottom, when the chamberlain left, she waited until midnight until the little man came.
Do you want me to do the same thing?
Yes said the girl.
So she went to sleep and the little man woke her up, its dawn.
The next night the king did another test, the chamberlain took the girl to another room filled with even more straw. A little while later the little man appeared. Should I do the same thing again, its so much fun.
Yes please.
So she went to sleep and the little man woke her up, the job is done.
What will you give me?
A golden ring
And again the little man took the ring and disappeared. The king came in.
Remarkable! So the king spent the entire day with her again. We will do a third test on her and if she suceeds I will let her go.
So the chamberlain led her to the biggest room of all. It was filled top to bottom, when the chamberlain left, she waited until midnight until the little man came.
Do you want me to do the same thing?
Yes said the girl.
So she went to sleep and the little man woke her up, its dawn.
What will you give me?
I have nothing left, nothing for all this work.
Please, the king promised to let me go.
Fine, but I want your first born baby when you are queen.
Yes she said, cause she thought that she would never be queen.
So the little man left and the king came in.
He was amazed, he was so amazed that he asked her to marry him. She thought about the promise but she couldn't say no. So the wedding commenced a year later. The queen had a baby and she had long blonde hair like the queen.
One day when the queen and the baby walked along, the little man appeared.
I'm here to collect my payment.
No you can't take my baby.
But you promised.
Please, no, you can have anything, but not my baby.
Very well, if you can guess my name you can keep your baby. I will give you 3 days.
So the queen called her messengers. Go to the furtherest part of the kingdom and find the weirdest name and report back. So the messengers went left and right and came back.
I have nothing left, nothing for all this work.
Please, the king promised to let me go.
Fine, but I want your first born baby when you are queen.
Yes she said, cause she thought that she would never be queen.
So the little man left and the king came in.
He was amazed, he was so amazed that he asked her to marry him. She thought about the promise but she couldn't say no. So the wedding commenced a year later. The queen had a baby and she had long blonde hair like the queen.
One day when the queen and the baby walked along, the little man appeared.
I'm here to collect my payment.
No you can't take my baby.
But you promised.
Please, no, you can have anything, but not my baby.
Very well, if you can guess my name you can keep your baby. I will give you 3 days.
So the queen called her messengers. Go to the furtherest part of the kingdom and find the weirdest name and report back. So the messengers went left and right and came back.
The next day the little man arrrives.
Have you guessed my name?
Is it Smelly or Heremiclery or Smaleyinkey?
Is it Smelly or Heremiclery or Smaleyinkey?
No! No! No! You have two days left now.
So the messengers went back but they had no luck, so the little man came.
Have you guessed?
Is it Jumpey or Cokow or Winy.
No! No! No! You have one day left.Then two of the messengers came back, we saw a strange little man dancing around a fire singing.
Tomorrow the queen baby will be mine cause she will never guess my name, Rumplestiltskin is my name. Thank the lord of the sun.
So on the last day the little man arrived.
Have you guessed my name?
Is is Tom or Ruby or could it be Rumplestiltskin?
Some told you!
No one told me.
So the little man disappeared and they lived happily ever after.
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Kitten Facts - Week 2
Here is a kitten and here is something about them. Don't pick them up by the ribs because you can kill them or make them mad.
Don't leave them inside when you are out because it might have an accident.
Kittens eat cat biscuits and milk, keep them inside at night because it might run on the road and get run over or fall in a hole.
Don't leave them inside when you are out because it might have an accident.
Kittens eat cat biscuits and milk, keep them inside at night because it might run on the road and get run over or fall in a hole.
Friday, April 24, 2015
Black as Night - Week 1
Here is my super villian, his name is Black Shadow, he can dive into
any shadow and can not be seen.
He has black energy balls so that he can turn any one evil and
any super hero evil, and every step he takes, it turns every thing pitch black.
So be aware of Black Shadow.
He has black energy balls so that he can turn any one evil and
any super hero evil, and every step he takes, it turns every thing pitch black.
So be aware of Black Shadow.
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Me and my dog
This is my bulldog, her name is Sasha and she is 4 yers old.
She is really fun and funny all the time. She only runs fast if you are far away
from her or its dinner or breakfast.
I wouldn't trade her for any thing.
Monday, April 6, 2015
Baby Tigers
A baby tiger can have black stripes and a beautiful
orange tan color and white on the outside of their ears and paws with
a pink and red nose
here is a picture .
Here is a picture of a white baby tiger, they have pink and white.
They have a black and gray colour in their stripes
and when they are a bigger they will be a big tiger.
a pink and red nose
here is a picture .
Here is a picture of a white baby tiger, they have pink and white.
They have a black and gray colour in their stripes
and when they are a bigger they will be a big tiger.
My Swimming Reflection
I learned how to…swim a length without stopping.
Something I found challenging was…diving properly.
At the end of the year I would like to improve on…my kicking.
Mrs Miller, Mr Kenny or Mrs Lowe could help me by…I would of liked Mrs Lowe to teach me how to roll on my back and front.
Ormie the Crazy Pig
This is my story of Ormie the pig. I am writing the end of the story.
Ormie is just about to jump out of a plane that is a 1000 stories high. He does the jump and lands face flat on the ground, he was so angry that he kicked the fridge and it fell flat on his back and arms, then the cookie jar fall down right by his nose. Then he tried to lift the fridge but he didn't, so he called a friend to lift the fridge off him, but it was so heavy that he went and got a crane to lift the fridge.
And it worked.
But Ormie was furious about not getting the cookies. So he tried to use an axe to slice the fridge in half for the cookies to fall and smash. But instead half landed on Ormie, then he opened the other half of the fridge to get out. The he tried to use a candid but it didn't work and he never got the cookies.
But Ormie was furious about not getting the cookies. So he tried to use an axe to slice the fridge in half for the cookies to fall and smash. But instead half landed on Ormie, then he opened the other half of the fridge to get out. The he tried to use a candid but it didn't work and he never got the cookies.
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