On Saturday there were three out there, two little ones that were so cute and there was one that was a medium sized seal, they were all on the broken up rubble by the boat ramp. Also one of the little seals jumped off the rubble and landed in the water but a big wave came in and hit the seal and it crashed against the rubble but it was ok and it swam out to sea. Then the other little seal jumped into the water but it didn’t have trouble getting out to sea and the medium one stayed where it was, the two little seals came back the the medium sized seal and they all jumped in at the same time. They waved at me and my nana and baby brother.
On Sunday there were two seals out at Clifton and they were big. Also my Aunty was out there and she took pictures of the seals, I was able to get right beside one of the seals and it didn’t attack me. The other one was just laying down by the water and I named the one that was laying down by the water Lazybones and I named the other one TrickSee because he did tricks.
Camden R came out with his family but they were so loud that Tricksee tried to attack them but he still didn’t attack me.